## version $VER: picview.catalog 2.00 (12.03.96) Frans ## language fran ## codeset 0 ; Catalog Description File For PicView 2.02 ;MUIB ;MUIB ;MUIB This catalog description file was generated by MUIBuilder. ;MUIB ;MUIB Please don't modify the lines generated by MUIBuilder, ;MUIB but you can add your own entries. ;MUIB MSG_AppDescription re facilement vos collections d'images ;Manage You Picture Collection Very Easy ;MUIB MSG_AppCopyright 1995-96 par Holger Papajewski 1995-96 by Holger Papajewski ;MUIB group MSG_VGR_PictureTitle Image ;Picture ;MUIB button text MSG_PicAdd_BT _Ajouter ;_Add ;MUIB button text MSG_PicRemove_BT _Enlever ;_Remove ;MUIB button text MSG_PicEdit_BT E_diter ;_Edit ;MUIB button text MSG_PicShow_BT _Montrer ;S_how ;MUIB button text MSG_PicInfo_BT _Info ;_Info ;MUIB group MSG_VGR_ProjectTitle Projet ;Project ;MUIB button text MSG_ProNew_BT _Nouveau ;_New ;MUIB button text MSG_ProOpen_BT _Ouvrir ;_Open ;MUIB button text MSG_ProSave_BT _Sauver ;_Save ;MUIB button text MSG_ProQuit_BT _Quitter ;_Quit ;MUIB window Title MSG_SelectWin Entrer le motif de s lection ;Enter Selection Pattern ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_16 C_hemin ;_Path ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_SelectPath ;p\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_17 ;_Name ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_SelectName ;n\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_18 _Commentaire ;_Comment ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_SelectComment ;m\00 ;MUIB Listview Gadget MSG_SelectFormat Format ;\033cFormat ;MUIB Listview Gadget MSG_SelectGroup Groupe ;\033cGroup ;MUIB Listview Gadget MSG_SelectModeID lection du mode ID ;\033cMode ID ;MUIB button text MSG_SelectOk ;MUIB button text MSG_SelectCancel _Annuler ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_PrefsWin rences ;Preferences ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_Reg0 ;Misc ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_Reg1 Image ;Image ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_Reg2 Fichier ;File ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_Reg3 Viewer ;Viewer ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_Reg4 Groupes ;Groups ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GR_Reg5 Arexx ;ARexx ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_PrefsButtonBar b\00Barre de bouton ;b\00Button Bar ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_PrefsShowName m\00Montre le nom ;n\00Show Name ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_PrefsSecurity t\00S curit ;t\00Security ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_ITF _Info sur le format ;_Info Text Format ;MUIB Pobject HotKey MSG_PrefsInfoTextPopUp ;i\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_4 _Fichier erreurs ;Log Fil_e ;MUIB Cycle MSG_PrefsError ;e\00 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_PrefsError0 Pas de fichier des erreurs ;No Log File ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_PrefsError1 Sauver fichier des erreurs ;Write Log File ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_5 _Nom du fichier erreurs ;_Log Name ;MUIB PopAsl HotKey MSG_PrefsErrorFile ;l\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_6 _Couleur ;C_olor ;MUIB Cycle MSG_PrefsColor ;o\00 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_PrefsColor0 ;Gray ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_PrefsColor1 Couleur ;Color ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_7 Gris au maximum ;Max Gray ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_8 Largeur ;Width ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_8C Hauteur ;Height ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_8CCC Espace ;Space ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_15 rences ;Differ ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_8CC _Dispersion ;_Dithering ;MUIB Cycle MSG_PrefsDither ;d\00 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_PrefsDither0 Aucune ;None ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_PrefsDither1 Ordonn ;Ordered ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_PrefsDither2 Floyd-Steinberg ;Floyd-Steinberg ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_9 _Fichier d ;_Default File ;MUIB PopAsl HotKey MSG_PrefsDefFile ;d\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_14 Utilise _XPK ;Use _XPK ;MUIB Cycle MSG_PrefsUseXPK ;x\00 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_PrefsUseXPK0 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_PrefsUseXPK1 ;MUIB Slider MSG_PrefsXPKMode ;Mode ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_13 _Viewer ;_Viewer ;MUIB Cycle MSG_PrefsViewerBT ;v\00 ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_PrefsViewerBT0 Ecran interne ;Internal Screen ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_PrefsViewerBT1 tre interne ;Internal Window ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_PrefsViewerBT2 Externe ;External ;MUIB button text MSG_PrefsAddGroup A_jouter ;_Add ;MUIB button text MSG_PrefsRemoveGroup _Enlever ;_Remove ;MUIB button text MSG_PrefsAddARexx A_jouter ;_Add ;MUIB button text MSG_PrefsRemoveARexx _Enlever ;_Remove ;MUIB button text MSG_PrefsSave _Sauver ;_Save ;MUIB button text MSG_PrefsUse _Utiliser ;_Use ;MUIB button text MSG_PrefsCancel _Annuler ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_SortWin Ordre pour la sortie ;Order For Sorting ;MUIB button text MSG_SortFirst _Premier ;_First ;MUIB button text MSG_SortUp _Haut ;MUIB button text MSG_SortDown ;_Down ;MUIB button text MSG_SortLast _Dernier ;_Last ;MUIB button text MSG_SortOk _Trier ;_Sort ;MUIB button text MSG_SortCancel _Annuler ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_InfoWin Information ;Information ;MUIB text content MSG_list99 Chemin:\nNom:\nCommentaire:\nFormat:\nR solution:\nMode d' cran:\nModeId:\nTaille:\nDate:\nTemps:\nGroupe: ;Path:\nName:\nComment:\nFormat:\nResolution:\nScreen Mode:\nModeID:\nSize:\nDate:\nTime:\nGroup: ;MUIB button text MSG_InfoClose _Fermer ;_Close ;MUIB window Title MSG_EditWin Editer ;Edit ;MUIB button text MSG_EditRename _Renomer ;_Rename ;MUIB button text MSG_EditComment C_ommentaire ;C_omment ;MUIB button text MSG_EditGroup _Groupe ;_Group ;MUIB button text MSG_EditMove ;_Move ;MUIB button text MSG_EditClose _Fermer ;_Close ;MUIB window Title MSG_GroupWin Groupes ;Groups ;MUIB button text MSG_GroupOk ;MUIB button text MSG_GroupCancel _Annuler ;_Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_IFFWin Sauver en IFF ;Save As IFF ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_19 _Fichier ;_File ;MUIB PopAsl HotKey MSG_IFFFile ;f\00 ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_20 _Mode d' ;_Screen Mode ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_21 Largeur ;Width ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_22 Longueur ;Height ;MUIB Label MSG_LA_label_23 Montre le _Nom ;Show _Name ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_IFFShowName ;n\00 ;MUIB button text MSG_IFFOk ;MUIB button text MSG_IFFCancel _Annuler ;_Cancel MSG_Project_Menu Projet ;Project MSG_About_Menu A propos de... ;About... MSG_New_Menu Nouveau KEY_New_Menu MSG_Open_Menu Ouvrir ;Open KEY_Open_Menu MSG_Save_Menu Sauver ;Save KEY_Save_Menu MSG_SaveSelect_Menu Sauver s lection ;Save Select MSG_SaveAsIFF_Menu Sauver en IFF ;Save As IFF MSG_Prefs_Menu rences ;Prefs KEY_Prefs_Menu MSG_Quit_Menu Quitter ;Quit KEY_Quit_Menu MSG_Picture_Menu Image ;Picture MSG_Add_Menu Ajouter KEY_Add_Menu MSG_AddDir_Menu Ajouter tiroir ;Add Dir KEY_AddDir_Menu MSG_Remove_Menu Enlever ;Remove KEY_Remove_Menu MSG_Edit_Menu Editer ;Edit MSG_Show_Menu Montrer ;Show KEY_Show_Menu MSG_Info_Menu Information ;Info KEY_Info_Menu MSG_List_Menu Liste ;List MSG_ListSelectAll_Menu lectionner toutes ;Select All KEY_ListSelectAll_Menu MSG_ListSelect_Menu lectionner... ;Select... KEY_ListSelect_Menu MSG_ListShowAll_Menu Montrer toutes ;Show All KEY_ListShowAll_Menu MSG_ListShow_Menu Montrer... ;Show... KEY_ListShow_Menu MSG_ListSort_Menu Trier ;Sort KEY_ListSort_Menu MSG_SaveAs_Menu Sauver comme ;Save As KEY_SaveAs_Menu MSG_Cancel_Menu Annuler ;Cancel KEY_Cancel_Menu MSG_LastSaved_Menu Derni re sauvegarde ;Last Saved KEY_LastSaved_Menu MSG_Restore_Menu Restorer ;Restore KEY_Restore_Menu MSG_REXX_Menu Arexx ;ARexx MSG_ExeREXX_Menu Lance Script ;Start Script KEY_ExeREXX_Menu MSG_Rename_Menu Renommer ;Rename KEY_Rename_Menu MSG_Comment_Menu Commentaire ;Comment KEY_Comment_Menu MSG_Group_Menu Groupe ;Group KEY_Group_Menu MSG_Move_Menu ;Move KEY_Move_Menu MSG_Path_Infotext %P - Chemin ;%P - Path MSG_Name_Infotext %N - Nom ;%N - Name MSG_Comment_Infotext %C - Commentaire ;%C - Comment MSG_Format_Infotext %F - Format ;%F - Format MSG_Width_Infotext %w - Largeur ;%w - Width MSG_Height_Infotext %h - Hauteur ;%h - Height MSG_Depth_Infotext %d - Profondeur ;%d - Depth MSG_Size_Infotext %s - Taille ;%s - Size MSG_Weekday_Infotext %W - Jour ouvrable ;%W - Weekday MSG_Date_Infotext %D - Date ;%D - Date MSG_Time_Infotext %T - Temps ;%T - Time MSG_ModeID_Infotext %m - Mode ID ;%m - ModeID MSG_ModeText_Infotext %M - Mode texte ;%M - Mode Text MSG_Abort_Button _Annuler ;_Abort MSG_ExpectedTime Temps pr vu: %02ld.%02ld.%02ld ;Expected Time: %02ld.%02ld.%02ld MSG_ElapsedTime Temps : %02ld.%02ld.%02ld ;Elapsed Time: %02ld.%02ld.%02ld MSG_Wait_Datatype %s - Calcul par les datatypes ;%s - Waiting For Datatype MSG_Render_Image %s - Calcul de l'image ;%s - Rendering Image MSG_Ok_Button MSG_Mem_Error moire insuffisante ;Out Of Memory. MSG_ChipMem_Error moire graphique insuffisante ;Out Of Graphics Memory. MSG_OpenFile_Error Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier: %s ;Can't Open File: %s. MSG_Load_Error Erreur en chargeant le fichier: %s ;Error While Loading File: %s MSG_Save_Error Erreur en sauvant le fichier: %s ;Error While Saving File: %s MSG_No_PicView_File_Error %s - Pas de fichier PicView ;%s - No PicView File MSG_No_Standard_Bitmap_Error \033cLe datatype image renvoie un format d'image inconnu.\n\ \033cPicView est incapable d'utiliser ce genre d'image. ;\033cThe Picture Datatype Returns A Unkown Bitmap Format.\n\ ;\033cPicView Isn't Able To Process This Kind Of Bitmap. MSG_CountingFiles Compte les fichiers ;Counting Files MSG_FileOf Fichier %lD sur %lD ;File %lD Of %lD MSG_Yes_No_Button *_Oui|_Non ;*_Yes|_No MSG_AskScanDir Analyser dans tous les tiroirs? ;Scan Through All Directories ? MSG_InsertPics Insertion de l'image ;Inserting Pictures MSG_LoadFile Charger fichier ;Loading File MSG_SaveFile Sauver fichier ;Saving File MSG_PicsSelected Total d'images: %lD Images s lectionn es: %lD ;Pictures Total: %lD Pictures Selected: %lD MSG_Path Chemin ;Path MSG_Name ;Name MSG_Date ;Date MSG_Comment Commentaire ;Comment MSG_Group Groupe ;Group MSG_Size Taille ;Size MSG_Format Format ;Format MSG_ModeID Mode ID ;Mode ID MSG_CatDisk_Button *_Catalogue|Catalogue+_Disque|_Annuler ;*C_atalog|Catalog & _Disk|_Cancel MSG_RenameText Entrer le nouveau nom ;Enter New Name. MSG_Rename_Error Erreur en renommant ;Error While Rename MSG_CommentText Entrer un nouveau commentaire ;Enter New Comment. MSG_Comment_Error Erreur en changeant le commentaire ;Error While Comment MSG_ToManyGroups_Error Pas plus de 4 groupes pour une image ;You Can't Select More Than 4 Groups Per Picture. MSG_Move_Error Erreur en d ;Error While Move MSG_MoveText Voulez-vous vraiment d er %lD Image(s) \n\033c%s ? ;Do You Really Want To Move %lD Picture(s) to\n\033c%s ? MSG_SaveCatPics Sauve le Catalogue d'image(s) en IFF. ;Saving IFF Catalog Picture(s). ; ************* home page changed ********************* MSG_AboutText Copyright 1995-96 Holger Papajewski\n\ (papa@ami.boerde.de)\n\ http://www.home.pages.de/~papa/\n\ Touts droits r s.\n\n\ Cette application utilise MUI par Stefan Stuntz. ;Copyright 1995-96 Holger Papajewski\n\ ;(papa@ami.boerde.de)\n\ ;http://www.home.pages.de/~papa/\n\ ;All Rights Reserved.\n\n\ ;This application uses MUI by Stefan Stuntz. MSG_RegText ;\n\n\033uRegistered To:\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n\033uRegistration Number:\033n\t%s\n\n MSG_UnRegText \n\nPicView est \033bShareware\033n.\nS.V.P, lisez la documentation\npour vous enregistrer. ;PicView is \033bShareware\033n.\nPlease read the documentation\nhow to register it. MSG_DeleteAllText Voulez-vous vraiment effa er le projet en cours? ;Do You Really Want To Clear Current Project? MSG_ReallyRemovePicsText Voulez-vous vraiment enlever %lD image(s)? ;Do You Really Want To Remove %lD Picture(s)? MSG_LogFile_Added Ajouter ;added MSG_LogFile_Updated Mise jour ;updated MSG_LogFile_WrongType ERREUR: Le fichier n'est pas une image ;ERROR: file isn't a picture MSG_LogFile_Exists dans le catalogue ;already in catalog MSG_LogFile_OutOfMem ERREUR: M moire insuffisante ;ERROR: system out of memory MSG_LogFile_UnkownBitmapFormat ERREUR: Datatype renvoie un format d'image inconnu. ;ERROR: datatype returned an unkown bitmap format MSG_LogFile_UnkownError ERREUR INCONNUE. ;UNKOWN ERROR MSG_OkCancel_Button *_Oui|_Annuler ;*_Ok|_Cancel MSG_OverWriteFile \033c %s \n\033cExiste d .\n\033cVoulez-vous sauvegarder dessus? ;\033c %s \n\033cAlready Exists.\n\033cDo You Want To Overwrite It? MSG_SizeChanged ;Changing The Thumbnail Size Will Clear The Project!\n\ ;\033cDo You Really Want To Change The Thumbnail Size? MSG_ReallyRemoveOnDisk Voulez-vous vraiment effa er %lD image(s) du disque? ;Do You Really Want To Remove %lD Picture(s) From Disk? MSG_ReallyRenameOnDisk Voulez-vous vraiment renommer l'image du disque? ;Do You Really Want To Rename The Picture At Disk? MSG_ReallyMoveOnDisk Voulez-vous vraiment d er %lD image(s) du disque? ;Do You Really Want To Move %lD Picture(s) At Disk? MSG_ReallyQuit Voulez-vous vraiment quitter PicView? ;Do You Really Want To Quit PicView? MSG_RegTo Enregistr ;Registered To: MSG_RegNum Enregistrement Num ;Registration Number: ; ****************** new for V2.02 *********************** MSG_Open_Screen_Error ;ERROR: Can't Open Screen MSG_File_Infotext ;%f - File (Path & Name) MSG_About_MUI ;About MUI... MSG_Prefs_MUI ;Prefs MUI MSG_PictureAdd_Help ;Insert Some New Picture(s) MSG_PictureRemove_Help ;Remove Selected Picture(s) MSG_PictureEdit_Help ;Change Some Pictures Data MSG_PictureShow_Help ;Show Selected Picture(s) MSG_PictureInfo_Help ;Show Some Informations About The Picture MSG_ProjectNew_Help ;Clear The Current And\nCreate A New Catalog MSG_ProjectOpen_Help ;Open Another PicView Catalog MSG_ProjectSave_Help ;Save The Current Catalog To Disk MSG_ProjectQuit_Help ;Quit PicView MSG_PrefsButtonBar_Help ;Enable/Disable Button Bar MSG_PrefsShowName_Help ;Enable/Disable The Displaying\nOf The Picture Name\nBelow The Thumbnail MSG_PrefsSecurity_Help ;Enable/Disable Some\nAdditional Security Requests MSG_PrefsInfoText_Help ;Enter Format String\nFor The Info Line MSG_PrefsLog_Help ;Enable/Disable Writing Of A Log File MSG_PrefsLogFile_Help ;Enter Path And Name Of Log File MSG_PrefsColor_Help ;Setup The Color Mode MSG_PrefsMaxGray_Help ;Enter The Max Number Of Colors\nTo Use In Gray Mode MSG_PrefsImageWidth_Help ;Enter Thumbnail Width MSG_PrefsImageHeight_Help ;Enter Thumbnail Height MSG_PrefsSpace_Help ;Enter The Space Between Each Tumbnails MSG_PrefsDiffer_Help ;Pixel Can Be Added To Fit The Thumbnail\nInto The Given Dimension MSG_PrefsDithering_Help ;Choose The Algorithm For Dithering MSG_PrefsDefFile_Help ;Enter PicView Catalog To Load At Startup MSG_PrefsUseXPK_Help ;Enable/Disable XPK Compression MSG_PrefsXPKList_Help ;Choose Compression Method MSG_PrefsXPKMode_Help ;Choose Compression Efficiency MSG_PrefsViewerList_Help ;Select Picture Format MSG_PrefsViewerBT_Help ;Choose Prefered Viewer For Selected Format MSG_PrefsViewerExe_Help ;Enter Command String For External Viewer\nExample: 'SYS:Utilities/Multiview "%s" SCREEN' MSG_PrefsGroups_Help ;Groups For The Current Catalog MSG_PrefsGroupsSTR_Help ;Enter Name For Group MSG_PrefsAddGroup_Help ;Create A New Group MSG_PrefsRemoveGroup_Help ;Remove The Selected Group MSG_PrefsARexx_Help ;ARexx Scripts Shown In The ARexx Menu MSG_PrefsAddARexx_Help ;Add An ARexx Script To The Menu MSG_PrefsRemoveARexx_Help ;Remove An ARexx Script From The Menu MSG_SelectPath_Help ;Enter Pattern For Path MSG_SelectName_Help ;Enter Pattern For Name MSG_SelectComment_Help ;Enter Pattern For Comment MSG_SelectFormat_Help ;Select One Or More File Format(s) MSG_SelectGroup_Help ;Select One Or More Group(s) MSG_SortList_Help ;Define The Sorting Order\nOf The Attributes MSG_SortFirst_Help ;Jumps The Selected Entry\nTo The Top Of The List MSG_SortUp_Help ;Jumps The Selected Entry\nOne Position Up MSG_SortDown_Help ;Jumps The Selected Entry\nOne Position Down MSG_SortLast_Help ;Jumps The Selected Entry\nTo The Bottom Of The List MSG_EditRename_Help ;Rename The Selected Picture(s) MSG_EditComment_Help ;Set New Comment For The Selected Picture(s) MSG_EditGroup_Help ;Choose A Group For The Selected Picture(s) MSG_EditMove_Help ;Move The Selected Picture(s) To A New Path MSG_GroupGroupList_Help ;Select The Group(s) MSG_IFFFile_Help ;Enter The Path And File Name MSG_IFFModeID_Help ;Select The Screen Mode For IFF Picture MSG_IFFWidth_Help ;Enter The Width Of IFF Picture MSG_IFFHeight_Help ;Enter The Height Of IFF Picture MSG_IFFShowName_Help ;Enable/Disable The Displaying\nOf The Picture Name Below\n The Thumbnail